How To Ask For More Money As You Negotiate Your Salary
Negotiations can be anxiety producing. Here is practical guidance on how to ask for more money as you negotiate your salary.
How to Ask For and Use Reviews & Testimonials as an Employee and Entrepreneur
Feedback and reviews are essential to growth - yet it can be hard to ask your manager, colleagues, and clients for them. I show you the way!
Borrowed Credibility.
Don’t have a track record yet? Just starting out or pivoting to a new subject area? Let's talk about the power of borrowed credibility.
Imposter Syndrome vs. Discriminatory Gaslighting
Christy Pichichero coined a new term - discriminatory gaslighting. We often mistake this for imposter syndrome. Here's why.
How to become poachable in your career.
Having multiple offers is one of those “good problems” I get to coach clients through. Here's how you can become poachable to recruiters and hiring managers, too!
Five Time-Efficient Examples of LinkedIn Self-Promotion I hope you try!
LinkedIn is a great place to promote your latest professional wins! Here's a round-up of four example posts you can try today.
The “Confidence Gap” is keeping the status quo alive. Here’s what we can ALL do.
Why the so-called "confidence gap" is problematic because it places the burden on women. Here's what we can all do in response.
Beyond Pay: 8 Benefits to Negotiate for as an Entrepreneur
Until we have complete pay transparency, as an employee, it's up to you to negotiate the benefits beyond pay that are most important to you. I'm sharing it all here.
These 5 biases are getting in the way of your career right now.
These five cognitive biases are holding you back from having the confidence to advance in your career. Do you recognize any of these for yourself?
Underselling yourself? Here’s how to break this habit.
Are you underselling yourself? Discounting your worth before asking your full rate? Here's how you can break this sneaky habit.
Beyond Pay: 32 Benefits to Negotiate for as an Employee
Until we have complete pay transparency, as an employee, it's up to you to negotiate the benefits beyond pay that are most important to you. I'm sharing it all here.
6 Ways to Stay Visible (And Promotable) as a Remote Employee
If you're working from home as a remote employee, it can be difficult to stay visible at work. Here are 6 ways to stay visible while working from home.
From Lurker to Contributor. What to do when you don’t feel “expert enough.”
The word “expert” can hold us back from confidently sharing our gifts, skills, and experiences with the world. Don’t let this keep you in the “lurker” zone!
The 3 Salary Numbers You Need to Be a Master Negotiator
Going into a negotiation? Have these 3 numbers ready to go and you'll be a master negotiator for your next salary negotiation.
Do you ever wish you had the confidence to step into the career you truly loved?
Let me help you build the confidence, network, and opportunities you need to grow in the career you want to have.